PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse will deliver the 15th Annual Barnes Lecture at Brown University April 14, 2014. His 4 p.m. talk, titled “Environment and Health: Time to Wake Up,” will follow the Public Health Research Day poster session and reception.
Both events are free and open to the public.
Whitehouse speaks weekly on the Senate floor about climate change and has worked in Congress on many environmental issues including protecting oceans, promoting clean energy, and preventing pollution. In the talk he will highlight connections between the environment and public health.
At the preceding poster session and reception 60 researchers in the Brown University School of Public Health, the Environmental Health Initiative, the Rhode Island Department of Health, and others will display and discuss posters describing their research in Rhode Island and around the world. A full list of poster titles is available online.
Terrie Fox Wetle, dean of the School of Public Health, will welcome attendees.
Christina Paxson, President of Brown University, will introduce Sen. Whitehouse.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse will deliver the Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Barnes Jr. Lecture.
James S. Zisson, a 1974 Brown graduate, establshed the Barnes Lectureship in memory of Norma and Miles Zisson of the Class of 38. It honors Dr. Frederick W. Barnes Jr. and his wife Catherine. Its mandate is to address issues pertinent to public health that speak most meaningfully to the interface between medicine and society.
Monday, April 14, 2014
1:30-3:30 p.m. Poster Session and Reception
4:00 p.m. Barnes Lecture
The poster session and reception will be in Sayles Hall.
The lecture will take place in the Salomon Center for Teaching.