Brown Political Review, a new nonpartisan student-run politics magazine, has launched its inaugural issue on its website. The first edition covers global issues, including Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Rio’s pacifications efforts in preparation for the 2016 Olympics, and the pros and cons of foreign aid. It also touches on the politics that lie closer to home, including the Libertarian movement and analyses of both sides of the current presidential race. “Last semester, a few students had the idea for a nonpartisan political review at Brown. We thought there was room for a political magazine to complement other political outlets on campus. 2012 has been a special year to start off, and we are excited to present our inaugural issue to coincide with the November election that in recent weeks has become increasingly captivating,” according to the first editors’ note from Haakim Nainar and Ben Wofford, editors-in-chief. Both the quarterly magazine and year-round website will highlight student commentary, analysis, and debate of all things political. All of the magazine’s content is created by students, both through original student submissions and the website’s WebColumns, podcasts, interviews and TV production.
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