<p>Acclaimed composer, performer, and experimental musician George E. Lewis
returns to campus this week as the Lawton
Wehle Fitt ’74 <a href="http://news.brown.edu/pressreleases/2011/02/lewis" target="_blank">Artist-in-Residence</a> for the U.S. première of his most recent work, <em>Les Exercices Spirituels</em>. The work combines notated music, improvisation, and electronic music. When Lewis was on campus earlier this semester, he sat down with Joseph "Butch" Rovan, associate professor of music, to talk about improvisation, composition, and what the audience can expect to hear and see at the concert. The performance will begin on Friday, April 8, 2011, at 8 p.m. in the Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, Martinos Auditorium, 154 Angell St.</p>

Fitt Artist-in-Residence