President Christina Paxson announced today that Brown University will now require all licensees that procure or manufacture University apparel in Bangladesh to sign the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. Signatories to the Accord must ensure that factories there meet safety standards. The text of Paxson’s announcement follows here.

Effective March 1, 2014, Brown University will require all University licensees that procure or manufacture apparel made in Bangladesh to sign the May 13, 2013, Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. The Accord, an agreement between company signatories and worker representatives, provides for independent safety inspections of factories, public reporting of inspection reports and remediation plans, and an extensive fire and building safety training program for workers, managers, and security staff. In addition, company signatories to the Accord must require that factories implement corrective actions noted in inspection reports and maintain a worker’s employment relationship and regular income during any period that a factory is closed for renovations necessary to complete corrective actions, among other requirements. The Accord requires signatories to make sure that safety standards are met in the factories in which clothing is manufactured and to make an annual financial contribution to support the implementation and monitoring of the Accord. The Accord will cover a five year period, from 2013 to 2018.

Brown recognizes the importance of improving workplace safety and protecting worker lives in Bangladesh and will support specific initiatives designed to protect workers from fires, building collapse, or other accidents that could be prevented with reasonable health and safety measures. This decision reflects the seriousness of our belief in the importance of safety in the workplace.