Michele G. Cyr
Associate Dean of Medicine for Academic Affairs
Physician, Women's Health Associates
As clinical practice evolves with the impending changes from health care reform, high value, cost-conscious care will be the mandate. The Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Brown will help health care professionals identify the most effective and affordable diagnostic strategies and treatments for patients. The center’s faculty will also lay the foundations of evidence-based practice for the next generation of physicians in our medical school and graduate medical education programs. The implications for improving the quality and reducing the costs of medical care are enormous.
Peter Snyder
Professor of Neurology (Research)
Vice President and Chief Research Officer, Lifespan Hospital System
We were delighted by the news that Prof. Trikalinos and his team will be joining the Brown community to establish a new Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. This research group has been at the forefront of advances in comparative effectiveness research, and we have many hospital-based investigators and programs that will directly benefit from their considerable expertise. We look forward to working with them, as they settle in to their new home, to identify multiple areas of converging research interests.
Ira Wilson
Professor and Chair, Department of Health Services, Policy, and Practice
We are delighted to have attracted this outstanding group of scholars to the Public Health Program at Brown. Drs. Lau, Trikalinos and Schmid are nationally and internationally recognized experts in evidence-based medicine and comparative effectiveness research. These are areas of research that are widely recognized as being on the forefront of our efforts to improve the value of the health care produced in the United States. Their research will engage clinicians from Brown’s teaching hospitals and methodologists from many disciplines, from computer science to biostatistics. In addition, they will increase the depth and breadth of our educational offerings to undergraduates, M.P.H. students, and Ph.D. candidates.
Jeffrey Borkan
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine
Physician, Memorial Hospital
Evidence-based medicine is a critical element of providing exceptional patient care. It is particularly effective when integrated with doctor-patient communication, cultural sensitivity, and outcomes management.